Tuesday, November 17, 2009

31 O'er the season vernal

O'er the season vernal,
Time may cast a shade;
Sunshine, if eternal,
Makes the roses fade!
Time may do his duty;
Let the thief alone--
Winter hath a beauty.
That is all it's own.
--- Gilbert and Sullivan (trial by jury)

It took three different bikes to do this series, the second bike in this series was stolen.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I was harassed by someone who claimed to be security while I was shooting these. He tried to give me grief for setting my camera on a street sign while doing these 20 second exposures. I shocked him by telling him off in no uncertain terms.

So here is the first picture posted to this blog using my new camera. I am taking daily to weekly pictures of the destruction of this church.  This is my first DSLR camera, prior to this pictures on this blog were taken with a bridge camera.

This was taken at about 4am on the night of the first killer frost of season.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

More pictures of my stolen 2009 Kona Blast

My neighbor taking it for a test ride

20 feet from where it was stolen

I normally kept it at my bedside. This view shows the unique shifters that are not stock.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Stolen Bike please be on the look out for it.

Someone stole my bicycle yesterday. I was going to take it in the Mountains for the first time today. 14" Kona blast black frame, grip shifters, broken right pedal. Water bottle cage. Stolen from Shelton. I bought it on September 16th.

The thief went into my gate and onto my front porch to steal it.