Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mason County Historical Society Car Show

My first car show.  I researched how to photograph car shows on the web.  The tips I gleaned are: Bring a polarizer, wear black, arrive early, stay late and hope for overcast weather.  The weather was perfect. 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Grape View Art and Water Show

An art and water show, that sounded like a fun assignment.  I brought my prime lens again and the shot with the most shallow depth of field was one of the ones that got published.  At first I was just not feeling it but later things perked up and the muse struck.

The first two pictures on this page were printed along with a couple of others that I did not post here.

       L-R JP Wittman, Anita Orne and Gordon Koenig of JP & the OK Rhythm Boys from Orcas Island, perform on Saturday at the Grapeview Water and Art Festival in Grapeview sponsored by the Fair Harbor Marina and the Grapeview Community Association.  ~ Shawna Whelan
Mariah Ballew of Grapeview, member of the North Mason High School LEOS Club paints Jayden Hall’s face age 4 from Shelton, with a Spiderman theme at the Grapeview Water and Art Festival sponsored by the Fair Harbor Marina and the Grapeview Community Association.  

      Decorated Stemware by Terri Thompson of Shelton fits with the water theme at the Grapeview Water and Art Festival sponsored by the Fair Harbor Marina and the Grapeview Community Association.  ~ Shawna Whelan

Monday, July 7, 2014

Spot news - Car vs Conveyor Belt

I heard this call an on the scanner, so I hopped onto my bicycle and snapped a few pictures.  I sold two pictures to a newspaper.  The reporters at the paper researched the story and generated the cut-lines, all I had to do was take pictures.

The police mostly just ignored me, but one smiled and waved to me.  I guess that means they know who I am.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

North Mason Relay for Life

I was sent to photograph Relay for Life.  The mood was upbeat and the color was purple.

Cancer survivor Colleen O’Brien (77) and her caregiver John Kannitzer participate in the survivors lap at north mason relay for life sponsored by the American Cancer Society on Friday (More info on Colleen, dx with breast cancer and double mastectomy in 1977, then dx with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 1992, she was given 10 years to live in 1992)

From Left, Cancer survivors Barbara Wynn and Kay Bishop greet each other at north mason relay for life sponsored by the American Cancer Society on Friday.  This one was printed but with the balloon cut off

At age 87 Barbara Wynn was the oldest cancer survivor in attendance; she was born in 1927 and had a double mastectomy seven years ago. At north mason relay for life sponsored by the American Cancer Society on Friday ~ Shawna Whelan

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Tahuya Days

I was sent to Tahuya Days.  Tahuya is a tiny unincorporated town.  I drove 98 miles round trip and spent about three hours doing it.  Wow, Tahuya is a long ways from Shelton!

I brought my prime 50mm lens and was able to get some shots with nice blurry backgrounds. I changed lenses several times.   I don't like the idea of getting dirt on my image sensor while changing lenses.  Maybe it's time for me to get a second DSLR body.

      Tanner De Fries (9) Ksenia Mrsny (8) Peyton Mrsny (6) of Bothell wear festive hats while waiting for parade to begin  on Saturday at the Tahuya Day Festival in downtown Tahuya  ~Shawna Whelan

   Bob Buhler of The Burma Road Beach Club adjusts his had before the 
parade on Saturday at the Tahuya Day Festival in downtown Tahuya