I've been practicing on the soccer fields near home. Yes, I still want that 70-200mm f/2.8 but for outdoor sports I really don't need it. I've started stopping down so I can get a better focus. Soccer players move fast and it's hard to focus on them, increasing the depth of field helps a bit. So even if my lens was 2.8 all the way through, I probably would not have tried to get this shot at f/2.8
So this week I got a good soccer shot but then the problem was getting the cut line information. I Facebook friended some soccer players who told me they knew the names of everyone in the league and I could get all the info I needed from them after the game. Great! That meant I was free to just shoot and maybe get a good shot rather than miss the good shots due to having to run around and collect names.
Then it turned out that no one who I talked to knew the name of the team they played for. I mean folks did not know the name of their own teams! And I was unable to get the name of the player in red. This was frustrating, I was able to get just barely enough cut line info for the shot to print. I was pleasantly surprised to see my photo on the front page. I thought that any soccer picture I took would get buried back in the sports section.
Hopefully all this hard work will get me some new friends in the local Hispanic community. Maybe next time getting cut line information will be easier.
Last week one of my pictures from a school board meeting made it into the paper. I did not think the photo was worth submitting because it was not visually exciting, but it was the news so my spouse convinced me to submit the picture. My spouse did right.
Next week I shoot my first wedding. A wedding is a big important event and I'm nervous, but the event should happen in a predictable and set order. I think the bride will be easier to follow than a soccer ball.
I finally got my taxes done, the AARP does taxes for free, even for the self employed. I have so many equipment needs that it might be a few years before my income exceeds my expenses.
I finally got my taxes done, the AARP does taxes for free, even for the self employed. I have so many equipment needs that it might be a few years before my income exceeds my expenses.