Thursday, January 28, 2016


edited to show less underwear
Back to the same high school gym for wrestling.  I went to the match with my camera set for basketball.  I was dreaming.  They turned down the lights for wrestling.  I had to turn my ISO all the way to the maximum for my cameras 6,400 for one and 3,400 for the other and I still had to use my flash just to get a shutter speed of 1/320.

I'm glad that my basketball experience taught me to crank the ISO up.  All of my best shots were towards the end of the match.  Unfortunately my camera reset to .jpg for all of my best images.  I had hit reset a couple of times and that caused my camera to go back to .jpg.  I prefer to shoot in .nef or raw.  What tripped me up was my custom user settings, they will shoot in what ever format they are set to even after a reset and I forgot to check them.  It's a case of getting used to my new camera.

I got a few shots that I am happy with.  I noticed that wrestling uniforms leave very little to the imagination and underwear can show right through them.  For sale to the parents and students I can fix that in post, but I don't dare try that for publication in the newspaper.

All of these were shot at 1/320th f/ 2.8 ISO 6,400 and about 125mm

More Basketball

I've learned to turn the ISO all the way up so I can get the highest shutter speed possible.

1/800th f/ 2.8 ISO 3200 125mm Nikon D7100 with 70-200 VR1 lens

Before I started my venture into sports photography I was loath to ever turn up the ISO over 800 due to grain issues.  Now I've learned to turn it all the way up if need be.  My new camera is 24MP so that helps a bit.  I'm shooting with on D7100 and one D90.  The D90 is 12MP and it does show the grain more, also it does not focus at fast.  I have a second D7100 coming in the mail and then I should be done with camera upgrades for a least a year or two.  I still would like to get a high end mirror-less camera for street photography.

The native ISO for my D90 is 3,200 and for my D7100 is 6,400

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Happy New Year Polar Plunge

My oldest camera and my cheapest lens were taken to this event.  The weather was crisp and foggy.  I had reflections, costumes and silhouettes to work with.  What a blast!

Nikon D90 with 19-50mm 3.5-5.6 lens and a plastic bag made just for cameras.

No water on my lens this time, but quite a bit of water splashed onto me and my camera.