June 16th A-28 |
June 16th A-23 |
June 16th B-6 |
17.0-50.0 mm f/2.8
June 9th A-11 I really liked the picture on the bottom right. I waited until the yellow fishing bobber was in the frame before I shot. |
Nora Maylin 8 and Becky Maylin from Port Orchard wait
for a nibble
A line of children fish off the dock in the background
while Karl Swalander wrestles for
control of a
trout he just landed.
Ed Swalander helps Karl Swalander age 8, both are from
Seraphina Short age 6, is shown how to properly
display her fish before a family photo is snapped.
Aaron Arnold 10 of Elma proudly carries his prize
winning 23.5 inch rainbow trout to the measuring station.
Aaron Arnold 10 of Elma lays down his prize winning catch
to be measured. The monster trout registered at 23.5 inches.
From right
Panhandle Lake camp staff Jeff Wetcel and Krag Unsoeld relax and chat in the shade while looking out over Panhandle lake.
Intern Clay
Mosby holds Coco the Alpaca while Cocoa gets a haircut. (I
like how
they have matching hair)
From front
to back Clay Mosby and Dr. Dana shear Cocoa the Alpaca
while Nate
Welch trims his nails at Rights of Passage Farm near Shelton on Saturday.
From Left Paul Bunyan
Drake Adams and Timber the axe man
Joeseph Mcgrew load up their plates with a hearty breakfast fit for a lumberjack. |
Mr. Mason Area Joseph Weeks age 10 and Miss Mason Area Petite, Madaline Johnson age 9 check out the breakfast buffet line |
Reporters pictures are crossed out to reduce any potential copyright issues for photos that I don't own. The reporters took great photos. June 9th A-21 |