Saturday, October 22, 2016

Football Season

I've been busy lately.  I was asked to do team photos for 3 local teams.  I researched it on the web and think I came up with some pretty good ideas.  I only had 5 minutes with the football team and it is not my favorite photo of the series.

I also did a photo essay on mushrooms and managed to sneak in some details about moss too.  One of my microscopic pictures was printed.

At our home teams football stadium I am shooting 1/640th ISO 6,400 f/2.8 and still getting some underexposed photos.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Practicing on the local soccer players all summer, seems to have paid off.  I'm having a much better time with Football this fall.  I've been using just my 70-200 f/2.8 lens and my crop sensor camera and getting passable photos.  Sure a full frame camera and a 400mm lens would be nice, but I still can't justify the price for either of those items and if I owned a rig like that and then dropped it and broke it, I would probably cry.

Printed on Page B-8 Sept. 29th

An Award this Week

I was very happy to win this award from the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association this week.