Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Valentines Day at the Senior Center

Jan Balmelli and Al Walp of Shelton do the Boot Scootin' Boogie at the Valentines Eve dance and  fundraiser sponsored by the Mason County Senior activities  Center held at the Pavilion in Sentry park in Shelton, Washington on Friday February 13th, 2015

I decided to go to the senior center to photograph their Valentines Eve dance and fundraiser. 

Bill Hillstead and Betty Berry dance at the Valentines Eve dance
 and  fundraiser sponsored by the Mason County Senior activities Center
held at the Pavilion in Sentry park in Shelton, Washington on 
Friday February 13th, 2015

Shanna Cox and Ted Little stand at the bar during their "romantic Valentines Eve" at the Valentines
 Eve dance  and  fundraiser sponsored by the Mason County Senior activities Center
held at the Pavilion in Sentry park in Shelton, Washington on Friday February 13th, 2015

Robert and Michelle Kurtz on the dance floor at the Valentines Eve dance
 and  fundraiser sponsored by the Mason County Senior activities Center

held at the Pavilion in Sentry park in Shelton, Washington on 

Friday February 13th, 2015

This venue is very dark so I was happy to have my new fast wide angle zoom.  This was the first time I got to use my new lens in this room.  I can say that the lens helped a lot.  It was nice to be able to shoot at 2.8 from 17-50mm!  

 David and Kathleen Hopkins tear up on the dance floor at the Valentines Eve dance  and  fundraiser sponsored by the Mason County Senior activities Center held at the Pavilion in Sentry park in Shelton, Washington on Friday February 13th, 2015